Is there anything worse than knowing exactly what you want - and not being able to find anyone who will do it because it hasn't been done before? Then come to McKee's Upholstery first with your unique project. Our experienced and versatile craftsmen aren't afraid to take on anything!
- 50 years experience
- Versatile craftsmanship
- A wide range of materials
- Affordable pricing
- We work indoors or outdoors
- We work for individuals or businesses
- We work on vehicles of all kinds
- Including watercraft!
Stop by one of our two locations today to speak with one of our experienced team members, to browse our selection of materials, and to get your project started.
At McKee's Upholstery, we not only provide the best selection of leather, vinyl, and fabric of every description, but we work with the best craftsmen in the business. Get long lasting beautiful results that are exactly what you've been dreaming of.